Insurance ensures that your family will be taken care of if something should happen to you. It provides much needed income when you can no longer act as the breadwinner of your family. When choosing life assurance they amount of products to choose from makes it extremely difficult to know what best suits your needs. Vision Financial Solutions Limited will help guide you through the mine field of life assurance.
We can customise your policy to address specific financial concerns you may have which will provide extra security in the event of your premature death.
One of the more common extra’s with in Life Assurance would be Critical Illness Cover
Critical Illness Cover
When choosing a life insurance policy it is important to assess your personal needs. If you are concerned that you may be unable to work due to a serious illness or permanent disability, this coverage is well worth the money. This cover will ensure that in the event of the unthinkable all your major medical expenses will be covered. Some of the common conditions that would be routinely covered would be:
- Cancer
- Stroke
- Heart Attack
- Organ Transplant
- Kidney Failure
There are now critical illness insurance plans covering many more conditions, up to 154; the improved benefits supporting income replacement and financial support in the event of a claim.
Vision Financial Solutions Limited can help you navigate your way through this minefield of information to ensure you get the policy that will best suit your needs.